Surprising Secrets Of Successful Home Staging

surprising secrets of successful home staging Before you let a potential buyer see your home, take the following steps to ensure a great showing. These surprising secrets of successful home staging will help.

Maximize Horizontal Space

Horizontal space gives the illusion of spaciousness. Nearly every homebuyer wants to buy a home with lots of living space. The horizontal space you create doesn’t even need to be utilized. You can create the horizontal space by:

  • Clearing surfaces like countertops, tables and desks
  • Hanging floating bookshelves with nothing on them
  • Clearing the tops of kitchen cabinets

Invest In Fresh Flowers And Plants

Fresh flowers and plants evoke feelings of vitality and health. Homebuyers will respond positively when you use this tip. Place arrangements of fresh flowers and plants at strategic locations throughout the home. Be sure to avoid undoing your horizontal space clearing. Instead, consider placing fresh flowers and plants atop corner occasional tables, on outdoor decking, on each side of the front door, etc.

Stick To Neutral Paint Colors

Your bold tastes in color might not appeal to homebuyers. If you do need to paint a room to make it show-ready, stick to neutral colors. If your teen has painted their room black or some gaudy or bright color, it’s worth it to paint over it with a neutral tone. Otherwise, colors may be all your prospective homebuyers will remember about your home.

Rent A Storage Unit

Decluttering is a necessary step in staging. Buyers don’t want to see your assortment of desk accessories, perfume bottles, or family photo walls. Less is more. Gather all the excess clutter you can and box it up or hide it in drawers. Takedown wall decor, fold-up sofa throws, and corral kitchen appliances. Put all the clutter into boxes and bring it to a storage unit.  Afterward, your home will look more airy and spacious.

Hire Professional Cleaners

Hire professional cleaners to come in and get everything sparkling clean. Every home looks better when it’s clean. Even though you could do this yourself, professional cleaners will do a better job. This will save you the stress and still get your home in picture-perfect condition.

These home staging secrets will enable you to ensure that your home looks its best during showings. Remember, you have only one chance to make your home shine for buyers.

Do Not Procrastinate On These Spring Maintenance Tasks

Do Not Procrastinate On These Spring Maintenance TasksAt the flowers begin to bloom and the weather starts to warm up, everyone is thinking about spring cleaning. It is critical to make sure the house is ready for the warmer weather. What are the top spring maintenance tasks that have to be completed? Do not procrastinate on these tasks, as the price could be high.

Prune The Trees Before They Start To Bloom

Take a closer look at the trees, particularly those that hang over the house. As they begin to bloom, the weight on these branches could start to increase. If that happens, branches could snap over the house, leading to serious roof damage. Prune these trees before they start to bloom. If they are too high, it may be better to reach out to a trained professional who can prune them safely. 

Always Look For Signs of Leaks And Water Damage

Check around the house for signs of leaks and water damage. If the floor is buckling, the walls are starting to change color, or the water bill is going up without an explanation, these could be signs there is a leak somewhere. Address any signs of water leakage now. Waiting to address a water leak could lead to serious repair bills down the road. Be sure to get the plumbing system maintained regularly. That way, these leaks can be avoided. 

Inspect The Water Heater

Take a closer look at the water heater. It is important to get it inspected by a trained professional once per year. Over time, mineral scaling and gunk can accumulate in the water heater. It needs to be flushed regularly. Even though online tutorials can be helpful, it may be better to reach out to trained professionals who have the equipment to do this properly. In addition, professionals may take a look at other areas of the water heater that might have to be addressed.

Get Ready For Spring

These are a few of the most important spring cleaning maintenance tasks that have to be completed now. Make sure these systems are ready to go before they are called upon. If homeowners do not procrastinate on these important tasks, they could save a lot of money down the road.