A 20 Percent Down Payment: Is This Really Necessary?

A 20 Percent Down Payment: Is This Really Necessary?Purchasing a home is a major decision, and it could be the most expensive financial transaction somebody ever makes. Therefore, it is important to get this right. One of the biggest hurdles for a new homeowner is coming up with enough money for the down payment. A lot of people believe they require 20 percent down to purchase a home. Saving this amount of money can be overwhelming, and some people are wondering, is this really necessary? There are several key points to keep in mind. 

Putting 20 Percent Down Is Not Really Necessary

When taking a look at the prices of homes, putting 20 percent down can seem like a pipe dream for most people. Fortunately, putting this amount of money down is not actually necessary. It is possible for people to qualify for a loan with significantly smaller amounts of money. For example, there are some lenders who might be willing to provide a loan to a first-time homebuyer for as low as 3.5 percent. Even though this is still a lot of money, it is not nearly as much as 20 percent down. Potential homeowners need to do their homework and work with down payment assistance programs to make this process easier. 

Why Do People Put 20 Percent Down?

So, where does the idea of putting 20 percent down actually come from? Many homeowners decide to put 20 percent down because they would like to avoid something called private mortgage insurance, or PMI. This is an insurance policy that potential homeowners may be required to purchase on behalf of the lender to protect the lender in the event of a default. When homeowners reach 20 percent equity in their homes, they can ask for PMI to be canceled. Because most homeowners do not want this additional expense, they may feel compelled to put 20 percent down. 

Find The Right Home Loan

Potential homeowners should not feel like their dreams are derailed simply because they need to put 20 percent down. It is possible to qualify for a home loan with significantly lower down payment percentages, but every homeowner has to assess his or her options. That way, they can make the best financial decision for their individual situation.


What To Know About Shopping For Mortgage Rates

What To Know About Shopping For Mortgage RatesApplying for a home loan can be an exciting process; however, this is a major financial decision. Therefore, potential homeowners need to make sure they understand how to shop for the best mortgage rate possible. A mortgage is usually a long-term loan, allowing potential homeowners to purchase a home using small monthly payments. Fortunately, there are a variety of tools available that can make the process easier. What do potential homeowners need to know when shopping for mortgage rates? 

Do Get A Pre-Approval Letter

First, all potential homeowners need to get a pre-approval letter before they start the home-buying process. Because the market is competitive, buyers need to get a pre-approval letter to show they can secure financing for a home they want to purchase. Sellers want to know the deal is going to go through if they make an agreement with someone. The pre-approval letter will allow someone applying for a home loan to compete with other offers, including cash ones. 

Do Not Go The Easy Route

One of the biggest mistakes people make when taking out a home loan is going with their existing bank. It is possible their current bank may provide competitive rates; however, applicants should not choose their existing bank solely because this is the easiest option. Instead of going with the easiest option, get the best possible rate from a lender. 

Do Work With A Professional

Applying for a mortgage is a complicated process, so potential homeowners need to work with a professional who can guide the way. A trained, licensed professional can help applicants go through this process, explaining why they need certain documents. Then, a professional loan officer can advocate on behalf of the applicant, increasing their chances of earning approval from the lender. 

Do Not Overlook Other Potential Expenses

Many homeowners overlook other potential expenses that come with owning a home. For example, homeowners also need to budget for real estate taxes and homeowners’ insurance. Even though this is wrapped into the monthly payment, this is not included in the mortgage. This can blindside homeowners who are not prepared. Homeowners also need to think about potential maintenance expenses. This is important when homeowners are trying to budget accordingly.