Applying for a Mortgage? 3 Easy Ways to Make the Process Easier — and Reduce Your Stress

Applying for a Mortgage? 3 Easy Ways to Make the Process Easier -- and Reduce Your StressThere are more than enough details involved in getting a mortgage and moving into your own home that you’ll want to know how to make the process as seamless as possible beforehand. However, there’s a chance you might not be aware of the things you can do to make it a little easier on yourself. If you’re currently looking for a home and are wondering how to streamline the approval process, here are some things to do before applying to minimize mortgage-related stress.

Get Electronic Documentation

In order to get approved for your mortgage application, you’ll need to provide documentation that will likely include bank statements, federal tax returns and recent paystubs, but providing or acquiring all of these documents in paper form can require a lot of drudgery. Instead of paper, get your documentation together and ensure it’s in electronic form so it can be easily accessed or sent from anywhere. This means you’ll have it on hand as soon as it’s needed.

Choose A House You Can Afford

As a potential homebuyer on the market, it’s easy to be swayed by your dream home, but if your dream home doesn’t come with an acceptable price tag, it’s important to move on to the next best opportunity. It can be very easy to be invested enough in a particular home that you can convince yourself you’ll budget for it, but the market can shift and this can push your monthly payment from difficult to not-doable. Choosing a home at an affordable cost will not only improve your chances of approval, it will also minimize your stress after the move-in date.

Have Your Down Payment Ready

It may be all well and good to know that your down payment money is in the bank, but it’s important that it’s in the appropriate account at least 3 months prior to your application submission so you can ensure you’ll be seen as financially sound. While it’s great to have money held in investments and RRSPs, it’s important that this down payment money is kept in an easily accessible account where it can be withdrawn without any time delays or financial losses.

There are many different steps and small details associated with obtaining a mortgage, but by having your electronic documentation and down payment ready, you’ll be well on your way to an approval. If you’re currently on the market for a home, contact your trusted mortgage professional for more information.

4 Things You Absolutely Should Not Do After You Apply for a Mortgage

4 Things You Absolutely Should Not Do After You Apply for a MortgageIf you have a good credit history and are prepared to invest in a home, you may be feeling pretty confident about the mortgage process. However, it’s important to be aware that there are things that can have a negative impact on your application. Whether you’ve just submitted your documents or are getting close to it, here are some things you may want to avoid.

Acquiring New Credit

It may seem silly that something as minor as a new credit card can be a mark against your credit, but applying for new ones can be a bad sign to lenders. The problem is that this can be signal an unmanageable debt load, so you may be considered a high risk for not being able to make your payments.

Forget To Pay Your Bills

It’s easy enough to get lulled into the feeling that your mortgage application will be approved, but this doesn’t mean that you should forget your financial responsibilities. If you’ve had poor credit in the past and neglected paying your bills on time, now is not the time to do this. Instead, ensure that you’re paying all bills and any applicable minimum payments in advance of the due date so your credit score is not impacted.

Close Old Credit Cards

Many people think that closing out old credit cards can be a positive financial step forward and a good way to streamline their finances, but this can cause damage to your credit score. Because closing a credit card will change your available balance and bump up your debt load, it may mean that your debt percentage will increase. Instead of risking this, leave them active until you’ve received approval.

Quit Your Job

Few people will have the ability to quit their job when they’re applying for a mortgage, but doing this or incurring other fluctuations in your monthly income can cause problems with your application. If you are self-employed, there may be peaks and valleys in your finances, but a huge shift in what you bring home can show lenders that you’re not a solid bet.

There can be a lot of stress that comes along with the mortgage application process, but by paying your bills on time and staying on top of your payments, you can avoid negatively impacting your approval. If you’re currently on the market for a mortgage, contact one of our mortgage professionals for more information.